
BSR TPD-MP60 Turntable


Manufacturer : BSR
Model : TPD-MP60
Serial Number : N/A
Packaging : N/A
Accessories Included : N/A
Price When New : 

Out of stock

SKU: 949830 Category:

Here we have a vintage turntable from one time British specialists BSR. The style of the decks at the time was much like their close rivals Garrard, although that companies turntables are much more favourably remembered. Our example is in good condition for its age and would undoubtably be improved if given a little bit of TLC. It comes suitably packaged along with our regular three month warranty, which incidentally does not cover the fitted cartridge.
BSR Said….
BSR Model MP60 manual player will shut off automatically at the end of each record.
It is equipped with a size selector control knob for manual selection of correct tone arm set down for 12″, 10″ or 7″ records. A speed selector control knob permits the playing of 16, 33⅓, 45 and 78 rpm records.
It also features Viscous Cueing and Pause Control. This device permits the tone arm to be safely raised from any point on the record and gently lowered to the desired position.